Interview with Chase Matthews

What made you want to be a professional wrestler?
Ive grown up watching wrestling. My first ppv that I remember seeing was Wrestlemania 9. I remember having one of those “wrestling buddies” when I was a child, and I would wrestle with it all the time. Ive always had a dream to be a wrestler.
Who were influences as a kid?
When I was younger, I would always pretend that I was either Macho Man, or Bret Hart, but to be completely honest, I like too many wrestlers today that I dont really have an influence. That probably sounds weird.
Who has trained and mentored you?
When I started training at 15, it was Dan Severn, and Mark Pennington. Then I was trained by Josh Raymond. I had to have surgery on my tailbone to removed some cysts so that took me out for a while. At age 20, I was on my way back to training, when I had a pretty serious heart problem stop me from doing anything. Im 22 now, and my problem has been taken care of. I finished my training with Josh Roderick (Roderick Street)
Who is your favorite opponent to work with?
I would have to say as of right now, my favorite opponent, or opponents are either Roderick Street or “Gentleman” John Campbell. I share pretty good chemistry with both guys, and we put on some pretty good matches.
If you had a choice of going to WWE, TNA, ROH, or Japan which one would you choose? And why?
I would love to visit Japan, because Im a fan of the strong style wrestling they have. Next would have to be definitely ROH, only because the atmosphere of the fans is absolutely fantastic. Ive seen one ROH show in person, and was absolutely blown away from the support from the fans. Last but not least is the obvious. Workers can say what they want about the WWE, but Im pretty sure EVERYONE wants to work for THE company. Even if it isnt for very long, they can still say they “made it”
What promotions have you worked for?
I have worked for POG, HCW, CWM, OCWA, MCW, CHRW, TXWE, VIP and soon to be HOG.
What goals do you have in the world of wrestling?
My goals are to take my skills, and evolve them, and become better every match I have. Right now Im living the dream by doing something that Ive always wanted to do since I could remember. But my bigger dream is to some day make it to one of the main promotions. If it happens, then it happens, and all would be well, but if it doesnt, then that wouldnt really bother me either, considering Im still doing what Ive always wanted to do. Ive even thought about trying out for Tough Enough if its still around by the time Im ready to go.
If you could face five guys past or present who would they be and why?
This is hard question. Some are gunna be from the Fed, and some from the indies.
1 – I would love to have a match with Jack Thriller. When I was younger, I went to every POG show before I started training, and always liked his character.
2 – Dan Severn. I feel that it would be a honor to show the man who once trained me how far Ive taken my skills. I just wish I could grow a mustache like him. He should take pride in that thing.
3 – From the Fed, I would pick CM Punk. I am a huge fan of his, and it would be a dream come true.
4 – Also from the Fed, Chris Jericho. Ive been a huge fan of his since way back in WCW. I can proudly say I was a Jerichoholic. I love how his character has morphed the way it has, and he can play any role without missing a beat.
5 – Dean Malenko, just because the man was bar none of the best to ever step foot in a ring. (And I kinda stole his Tiger Bomb into a Texas Cloverleaf, too)
Any road stories you would to share?
As of right now, I would have to say the LONGEST I have ever spent in a car was close to 2.5 hrs, and that was going to Wabash, Indiana to wrestle for CHRW. It was my very first match….so I was completely scared out of my mind. When I got there, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The building wasnt really what you would call “eye candy”, but it was where I met my now good friend John Campbell. He gave me my first pair of pants for wrestling. I was pretty stoked about that. My first match was with Roderick Street.
Another story was when we traveled to Montrose, MI to wrestle for MCW. We had just got done walking in a parade to help advertise the show that was just a few hours later, and before the parade was over, it had started to rain. By the time we had got back to where we were staying, it had turned into a pretty nasty storm. I guess a tornado had touched down or something, so obviously the show ended up being canceled.
Any final thoughts?
It was an honor doing this interview. Hope more come my way, just like I hope to throw my name out there for more people to see. My name is Chase Matthews, and I strive to be the best. Everyone knows coming in 2nd sucks.