ESPN Needs to Fire Britt McHenry for Offensive Comments to Many, Not Just One
In my lifetime I do not have many regrets but the one thing I do regret is not finishing college and getting my degree. It was because I didn’t have a job to support paying tuition and my parents made supposedly too much money to get loans, I was born with congenital heart disease and have degenerative arthritis in my feet. My options in life are limited. I knew as a sophomore in high school I wanted to be a journalist in professional sports or professional wrestling. It was because of money and my physical limitations to work for the money I could not attain a degree to pursue my dream. In the time I started Hollywood’s World of Sports I have worked a 3 gas stations, 1 casino, 1 call center and was an industrial cleaner.
When the news broke of how Britt McHenry treated a female worker at towing company my emotions were filled with anger, and disbelief. Who is she to judge what someone does for a living? Who is she to poke fun of someone’s looks or how much they weigh? Who is she to to think the she is better because she had an education and someone else didn’t? Not everyone is rich, a good looking blonde and was gifted with the same abilities as her. Not everyone in this country is afforded the luxuries that she has had. I honestly feel so bad for the lady that was affected by these comments because working in customer service is not always fun and customers get treated like garbage at times whether it’s a celebrity or not. People who work at gas stations, grocery stores, or any other type of customer service like that are human too. They have emotions and feelings just like the rest of this world. Maybe that job is all they have and that job is what they need to support themselves or family.
The fact that McHenry tried using her “celebrity” status to bully this employee is absurd. I am sorry honey but you are no Erin Andrews, Hannah Storm, Linda Cohn, Cindy Brunson, Sage Steele, or Rachel Nichols. These women have credibility, class and I am sure they have respect for others. McHenry will never have the credibility these women have and whatever credibility she could have had has been flushed down the toilet with her actions and words. If I were ESPN I would fire her in heartbeat. I’ve seen reporters be punished harder for a lot less. She should be terminated and not allowed to come back until she completes anger management, sensitivity training. and 500 hours of community service. I personally have zero tolerance for ignorance and neither should ESPN or any other place of employment.
In closing, I pride myself on being a decent journalist of sports and pro wrestling. I may not have the degree but many friends, family members and teachers told me I am a gifted writer. If by chance I make it big and become famous I will never abuse that privilege and will never treat people the way Britt McHenry treated this lady that was waiting on her. I hope ESPN takes further action and others who are considered a celebrity will learn from this. There is no room for ignorance in this world and there’s no room for foul mouth sports news reporters that disrespect others. I for one will not be looked down at for how I live and what I do for a living.