Fantasy Booking: Michigan Survivor Series
For over thirty years, Survivor Series has been a staple of WWE. The format has changed through the years. Teams have been put together out of necessity. For the purposes of this project., the teams will be drawn randomly. There will be six matches with each team consisting of five member. It is up to you to decide who will be the winning team. Let us know in the comments below.
Survivor Series Match 1
N8 Mattson/El Ridiculiouso/Xavier Walker/Fabuzio/Chad Alpha
Keith Creme/Jack Verville/Tommy Vendetta/Josh Raymond/Jon’Tae Keith
Survivor Series Match 2
Jimmy Jacobs/Breyer Wellington/Jake Something/TJ Meyer/Chuck Stein
Ren Jones/Christopher Saint/Jumal Kyng/Brutus Atwell/Zach Gowen
Survivor Series Match 3
Kyler Coleman/Jason Hotch/CJ Anderson/Alex Weir/Adam Wick
Dread King Logan/Mitch Hewitt/Isaiah Broner/Jeremiah Goldmain/Sean Tyler
Survivor Series Match 4
James Alexander/CJ Otis/Karam/Shogun/Dre Jacobs
Cassidy Kieth/Jack Price/Rhyno/Louis Lyndon/Solo
Survivor Series Match 5
Rod Street/Jeff King/Kevin Kalloway/Schwartzy/Chuck Weeden
Billy Ray Daniels/Travis Titan/Caleb Still/DBA/MM3
Survivor Series Match 6
Solomon Stone/Matt Hagen/Hakim Zane/Ace Evan/Blake 182
Atlas Hytower/Road Rash/Jack Thriller/Aaron Orion/Eli Shetlon
Let us know in the comments below which team you think would win.