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Can Sportsmanship Go To Far?

So I was talking to a buddy of mine last night and he was telling me this story about how a College golfer let his friend go to nationals with him. Apparently the golfers school had already made nationals but he wanted his friend from the opposing School go with him. So what did he do? He purposely hit a ball out of bounds and let his friend beat him. So not only is golfer going to nationals with his school but the his friend is playing on the opposite side is going for singles.

Now my buddy asked me what my thought were on the matter and I said I think the kid who let his friend win should not be allowed to play in nationals because what if his friend that let in wins the whole thing? Their will be an uproar about how he got in. I don’t care if it was my brother, my friend, my roommate or whatever it might be, if they were on the opposite side of me, I would not purposely let them win. If this kid wanted his friend to be in nationals with him, he shouldn’t have made it look so obvious.

Their are friends and relatives in the NBA, NFL and in MLB. You don’t see them throwing games to help others win. That’s just foolish and downright stupid. I agree that everyone should good sportsmanship but what this kid did was not sportsmanship, it was just downright foolish and disrespectful to his coaches, teammates and school.

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