Detroit Sports, Samoa Joe and Rock of Love 2
Right now Detroit has got two teams to root for in the Pistons and Red Wings. The Tigers are absolutely sucking right now. A 2-10 record is just ridiculious for a team with second highest payroll in Baseball or close to it anyways. They are no better then the Lions right now. It’s an absolute joke. I am looking foward to watching the Red Wings and Pistons win respective championships. It would be great.
Last night was a great night in wrestling history. TNA crowned a new Heavyweight Chamopion in Samoa Joe. He defeated Kurt Angle in a six-sides of steel match. Congrats to Samoa Joe in what was three years in the making. He has deserved that title for a long time and got what he derserved last night. Kurt Angle does know how to give back to the business that made him what he is today. Something a lot of guys don’t do. I look foward to Joe’s title run in TNA.
I usually don’t talk about Entertainment but last night I watched the Rock of Love 2Finale and I was shocked. I was really surprised by Bret Michaels decision to pick Ambre instead of Daisy. Anyways thats it.
Here is a cool video that I dug from 7 years ago. Its sweet
Have a great week and God Bless